Private dermatologist in Amersham
The market town of Amersham located at the end of the metropolitan tube line and served by Chiltern railway services is home to the Amersham NHS dermatology department. Dr Ravi Ratnavel was formerly clinical director of the NHS dermatology services in the department. He established and ran the regional Thames Valley multidisciplinary team (MDT) skin cancer services whilst a NHS consultant there for over twenty years,
The closest private clinic location to this town is the Define Clinic in Beaconsfield where there is a full range of dermatology services including medical consultations, cosmetic and laser services, and self-pay skin surgery packages. Insured patients have their surgery undertaken at The Spire Thames Valley hospital. Both units have excellent CQC ratings.
For private dermatology services in Amersham, please contact Dr. Ratnavel.